It gives great pleasure to welcome you in MC Khanewal official website. This Online resource embodies the information not only about policies, objectives, functions, human resources, financial resources, projects and the services delivered by the Municiple Committee Khanewal but also general introduction about brief District history, geography, people, fauna & flora etc. It opens up a window for the citizens through which they can have access to certain information. The website enables us to enhance our internal efficiency and effectiveness as well as public service delivery and improves the ability to monitor the performance of the government functionaries. It allows having information to make faster decisions and effective planning. It further provides an opportunity to download the required information without any inconvenience of visiting government offices saving valuable time and money.

A Municipal Committee shall each be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power to acquire and hold property and enter into any contract and may sue and be sued in its name.

Exercise control over land-use, land-subdivision, land development and zoning by public and private sectors for any purpose, including for agriculture, industry, commerce markets, shopping and other employment center.

Assist in the provision of relief in the event of any fire, flood, hailstorm, earthquake, epidemic or other natural calamity and assist relevant authorities in relief activities.